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Suite of image analysis and visualization tools designed for a range of biological applications that lets you transform your images into quantitative data in a streamlined and customizable workflow
Suite of image analysis and visualization tools designed for a range of biological applications that lets you transform your images into quantitative data in a streamlined and customizable workflow
Celleste 5.0 Image Analysis Software is a suite of image analysis and visualization tools designed for a range of biological applications that lets you transform your images into quantitative data in a streamlined and customizable workflow.
The Celleste 3D Deconvolution GPU Acceleration Module, single user license, helps perform 3D deconvolution and analysis in a fraction of the time by utilizing the graphics processing unit (GPU) of your EVOS PC or workstation.
The Thermo Scientific™ ArrayScan™ Liquid Handling Module is designed to work with the Thermo Scientific™ ArrayScan™ Live Cell Module, expanding the flexibility of the platform for analysis of complex cellular states of cells.