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Merck Millipore RIPA Lysis Buffer, 10X
For use in immunoprecipitation and Western blotting. RIPA Lysis Buffer, 10X is a concentrated lysis buffer that has been filtered through a 0.2μm membrane and packaged aseptically.
Marca: Merck Millipore 20-188
Protein extraction and purification represent the first of many challenges in obtaining a quality lysate or purified protein sample that delivers publication-quality Western blot results. Merck quality reagents unite superior performance with speed to reduce exposure of proteins to unfavorable conditions, leading to more stable, intact proteins for downstream analysis.
- Use: For use in mammalian cell lysis
- Dilute one part 10X RIPA Lysis Buffer with nine parts sterile, distilled water
- Stir mixture and refrigerate at least two hours prior to use
- Immediately prior to use, add the protease and phosphatase inhibitors
- Filtered through 0.2μm membrane, packaged aseptically
Sicurezza e movimentazione
- RIPA Lysis Buffer, 10X
- Attenzione
Categoria di pericolo
- Lesione oculare grave/irritazione oculare Categoria 2
Indicazioni di pericolo
- H319-Provoca grave irritazione oculare.
Consigli di prudenza
- P264-Lavare accuratamente dopo l'uso.
- P280-Indossare guanti/indumenti protettivi/Proteggere gli occhi/il viso.
- P305+P351+P338-IN CASO DI CONTATTO CON GLI OCCHI: sciacquare accuratamente per parecchi minuti. Togliere le eventuali lenti a contatto se è agevole farlo. Continuare a sciacquare.
- P337+P313-Se l'irritazione degli occhi persiste, consultare un medico.
Informazioni supplementari
- MIXTURE LIST-Contiene: hydroxy-poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) branched, deoxycholic acid
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