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Nickel(II) chloride hexahydrate, 98%, Thermo Scientific Chemicals

Catalog Number 11466947
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250 g
1000 g
5000 g
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Les retours ne sont pas autorisés pour ce produit. Consulta la politica di reso

Nickel(II) chloride is used in electroplating and as a catalyst for organic conversions, for example in chemo-selective thioacetalization of aldehydes. In combination with lithium aluminum hydride, it serves as a reducing agent for alkenes, alkynes, and organic halides; it can cleave N-O bond and open epoxides. It is used to prepare a wide array of complexes since water ligands can be easily replaced by amines, thioether, ammonia, and thiolates. It is a precursor to several nickel-phosphine complexes, such as bis(triphenylphosphine)nickel(II) chloride, which are used in alkyne trimerizations, carbonylations, and as catalysts in organic reactions such as Suzuki-Miyaura cross coupling reactions as an alternative to palladium(0) catalysts. It is the precursor to acetylacetonate complex of Ni, used for producing 1,5-cyclooctadiene complex, an important reagent in organonickel chemistry. It can be used to prepare the sandwich compound nickelocene through dimethoxyethane complex of nickel chloride.

This Thermo Scientific Chemicals brand product was originally part of the Alfa Aesar product portfolio. Some documentation and label information may refer to the legacy brand. The original Alfa Aesar product / item code or SKU reference has not changed as a part of the brand transition to Thermo Scientific Chemicals.

Nickel(II) chloride is used in electroplating and as a catalyst for organic conversions, for example in chemo-selective thioacetalization of aldehydes. In combination with lithium aluminum hydride, it serves as a reducing agent for alkenes, alkynes, and organic halides; it can cleave N-O bond and open epoxides. It is used to prepare a wide array of complexes since water ligands can be easily replaced by amines, thioether, ammonia, and thiolates. It is a precursor to several nickel-phosphine complexes, such as bis(triphenylphosphine)nickel(II) chloride, which are used in alkyne trimerizations, carbonylations, and as catalysts in organic reactions such as Suzuki-Miyaura cross coupling reactions as an alternative to palladium(0) catalysts. It is the precursor to acetylacetonate complex of Ni, used for producing 1,5-cyclooctadiene complex, an important reagent in organonickel chemistry. It can be used to prepare the sandwich compound nickelocene through dimethoxyethane complex of nickel chloride.

Store away from incompatible substances such as peroxides, strong acids and potassium.
Materiale o nome chimico Nickel(II) chloride hexahydrate
Punto di fusione 140°C (in 2H2O)
pH 4.9
Quantità 250 g
Formula lineare NiCl2·6H2O
Numero UN UN3288
Indice di Merck 14,6505
Informazioni di solubilità Freely soluble in water. Soluble in ethylene glycol,ethanol,and ammonium hydroxide.
Peso formulazione 237.71 (129.60 Anhydrous)
Percent Purity 98%
Odore Odorless
Densità 1.92
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compliance-icons compliance-icons compliance-icons
Identificativo prodotto
  • Nickel(II) chloride hexahydrate
  • Pericolo
Categoria di pericolo
  • Tossicità acuta Categoria 3
  • cancerogenicità Categoria 1A
  • Mutagenicità di cellule germinali Categoria 2
  • Tossicità per la riproduzione Categoria 1B
  • Sensibilizzante delle vie respiratorie Categoria 1
  • Corrosione/irritazione della pelle Categoria 2
  • Sensibilizzazione della pelle Categoria 1
  • Tossicità specifica per organi bersaglio (esposizione ripetuta) Categoria 1
Indicazioni di pericolo
  • H301-Tossico se ingerito.
  • H315-Provoca irritazione cutanea.
  • H317-Può provocare una reazione allergica cutanea.
  • H331-Tossico se inalato.
  • H334-Può provocare sintomi allergici o asmatici o difficoltà respiratorie se inalato.
  • H341-Sospettato di provocare alterazioni genetiche.
  • H350i-Può provocare il cancro se inalato.
  • H360D-Può nuocere al feto.
  • H372-Provoca danni agli organi.
  • H400-Molto tossico per gli organismi acquatici.
  • H410-Molto tossico per gli organismi acquatici con effetti di lunga durata.
Consigli di prudenza
  • P260-Non respirare la polvere/i fumi/i gas/la nebbia/i vapori/gli aerosol.
  • P273-Non disperdere nell'ambiente.
  • P280-Indossare guanti/indumenti protettivi/Proteggere gli occhi/il viso.
  • P301+P310-IN CASO DI INGESTIONE: contattare immediatamente un CENTRO ANTIVELENI/un medico/
  • P302+P352-IN CASO DI CONTATTO CON LA PELLE: lavare abbondantemente con acqua/.
  • P304+P340-IN CASO DI INALAZIONE: trasportare l'infortunato all'aria aperta e mantenerlo a riposo in posizione che favorisca la respirazione.
  • P308+P313-IN CASO di esposizione o di possibile esposizione, consultare un medico.
Informazioni supplementari
  • MIXTURE LIST-Contiene: Nickel(II) chloridehexahydrate, Nickel(II) chloride

RUO – Research Use Only

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