Marcatori di peso molecolare

Cytiva Marcatori di peso molecolare Rainbow™

Cytiva Marcatori di peso molecolare Rainbow™

Per il monitoraggio del progredire dell'elettroforesi delle proteine e la valutazione dell'efficienza di trasferimento e del peso molecolare delle proteine sottoposte a blotting senza colorazione. I marcatori di peso molecolare Cytiva Life Sciences™ Rainbow™ utilizzano colori luminosi e visibili per una più facile conferma del trasferimento alle membrane di blotting e dell'orientamento.

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Prestained Protein MW Marker

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Prestained Protein MW Marker

A mixture of six blue-stained natural proteins (20 to 120kDa) for use as size standards in protein electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE).

Thermo Scientific™ Scala di pesi molecolari pre-colorata PageRuler™ Plus 10-250kDa

Thermo Scientific™ Scala di pesi molecolari pre-colorata PageRuler™ Plus 10-250kDa

Mixture of 9 blue-, orange- and green-stained proteins (10 to 250kDa) used as size standards in protein electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blotting.

Thermo Scientific™ Marcatore di peso molecolare proteico senza colorazione Pierce™

Thermo Scientific™ Marcatore di peso molecolare proteico senza colorazione Pierce™

A mixture of seven native proteins (14.4kDa to 116kDa) for use as size standards in protein electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE).

Thermo Scientific™ PageRuler™ Unstained Broad Range Protein Ladder

Thermo Scientific™ PageRuler™ Unstained Broad Range Protein Ladder

A mixture of 11 proteins (5 to 250kDa) for use as size standards in protein electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blotting.

Thermo Scientific™ PageRuler™ Unstained High Range Protein Ladder

Thermo Scientific™ PageRuler™ Unstained High Range Protein Ladder

A mixture of 8 unstained proteins (60 to 250kDa) for use as size standards in protein electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blotting.

Thermo Scientific™ PageRuler™ Prestained NIR Protein Ladder

Thermo Scientific™ PageRuler™ Prestained NIR Protein Ladder

A mixture of 10 proteins (11 to 250KDa) that are blue-stained and fluor-labeled for near-IR fluorescent visualization and protein sizing following electrophoresis.

Thermo Scientific™ SuperSignal™ Molecular Weight Protein Ladder

Thermo Scientific™ SuperSignal™ Molecular Weight Protein Ladder

Ready-to-use mix of recombinant proteins (20 to 150K) with IgG-binding sites for chemiluminescent, fluorescent, chromogenic or other detection methods.

Thermo Scientific™ PageRuler™ Unstained Low Range Protein Ladder

Thermo Scientific™ PageRuler™ Unstained Low Range Protein Ladder

A mixture of 8 purified proteins and peptides (3.4 to 100kDa) for use as size standards in peptide and small protein gel electrophoresis.

Thermo Scientific™ Scala di pesi molecolari a intervallo largo Spectra™ Multicolor

Thermo Scientific™ Scala di pesi molecolari a intervallo largo Spectra™ Multicolor

A 4-color protein standard containing 10 prestained proteins (10 to 260kDa) for use as size standards in gel electrophoresis and Western blotting.

Thermo Scientific™ PageRuler™ Unstained Protein Ladder

Thermo Scientific™ PageRuler™ Unstained Protein Ladder

A mixture of seven native proteins (14.4 to 116kDa) for use as size standards in protein electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE).

Thermo Scientific™ SuperSignal™ Enhanced Molecular Weight Protein Ladder

Thermo Scientific™ SuperSignal™ Enhanced Molecular Weight Protein Ladder

Ready-to-use mix of recombinant proteins (20 to 150K) with IgG-binding sites for chemiluminescent, fluorescent, chromogenic or other detection methods.

Thermo Scientific™ Scala di pesi molecolari pre-colorata 10-180kDa PageRuler™

Thermo Scientific™ Scala di pesi molecolari pre-colorata 10-180kDa PageRuler™

Mixture of 10 blue-, orange- and green-stained proteins (10 to 180kDa) used as size standards in protein electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blotting.

Fisher BioReagents™ EZ-Run™ Prestained <i>Rec</i> Protein Ladder, Fisher BioReagents

Fisher BioReagents™ EZ-Run™ Prestained Rec Protein Ladder, Fisher BioReagents

Comprised of 10 recombinant proteins covalently coupled to a blue chromophore plus 10 and 72kDa reference bands tagged with green and orange dyes, respectively

Thermo Scientific™ Scala di pesi molecolari a intervallo basso Spectra™ Multicolor

Thermo Scientific™ Scala di pesi molecolari a intervallo basso Spectra™ Multicolor

A mixture of six proteins and synthetic peptides (1.7 to 40kDa) for use as size standards for peptides and small proteins in gel electrophoresis and Western blotting.

Thermo Scientific™ Spectra™ Multicolor High Range Protein Ladder

Thermo Scientific™ Spectra™ Multicolor High Range Protein Ladder

A mixture of eight blue-, green- and orange-stained proteins (40 to 300kDa) for use as size standards for high MW proteins in gel electrophoresis and Western blotting.

Cytiva Amersham™ ECL Plex™ Western Blotting Combination Packs

Cytiva Amersham™ ECL Plex™ Western Blotting Combination Packs

Complete system optimized for fluorescent Western blotting

Cytiva Amersham™ ECL™ DualVue Western Blotting Markers

Cytiva Amersham™ ECL™ DualVue Western Blotting Markers

Detect proteins on gel and membrane as well as on film

Cytiva Marcatori di peso molecolare di proteine e peptidi

Cytiva Marcatori di peso molecolare di proteine e peptidi

Utilizzare questi marcatori per determinare con precisione il peso molecolare di campioni di proteine non caratterizzati. I marcatori di peso molecolare per proteine e peptidi Cytiva Life Sciences™ funzionano confrontando sostanze sconosciute con standard accuratamente selezionati.

Cytiva Marcatori colori assortiti di fluorescenza Amersham™ ECL™ Plex

Cytiva Marcatori colori assortiti di fluorescenza Amersham™ ECL™ Plex

Uso ottimale con il sistema di rilevazione di Western blotting ECL Plex. I marcatori a colori assortiti fluorescenti Amersham™ ECL™ Plex sono ideali per Western blotting quantitativo.

Cytiva Marcatori pI

Cytiva Marcatori pI

Utilizzare questi marcatori in parallelo con i campioni sperimentali mediante gel per isoelettrofocalizzazione. I marcatori pI Cytiva Life Sciences™ sono miscele liofilizzate di proteine altamente purificate, stabili ed esenti da sali.
