Work surfaces designed to dampen vibrations. Ideal for use with balances and other applications/techniques where vibration isolation is needed. Products may include platforms, tables, and mounts.
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Per proteggere le apparecchiature elettromeccaniche e ottiche dall'esposizione alle vibrazioni. I supporti antivibrazioni Bel Art™ SP Scienceware™ Vibrasorb™ Premium favoriscono l'uso ottimale dell'apparecchiatura.
Favoriscono l'uso ottimale e la protezione delle apparecchiature elettromeccaniche e ottiche dall'usura eccessiva e perfino da danni strutturali che possono essere causati dall'esposizione alle vibrazioni
Ensures that vibrations common in most laboratories are effectively removed, greatly increasing instrument performance. Speirs Robertson™ Balance Platform is constructed of stainless steel with damped sorbothane for vibration reduction.
Encompass Procurement Services Non-distribution item offered as a customer accommodation; additional freight charges may apply. Learn More
The Labconco Stand-Still™ Isolation Platform is used for supporting microscopes on Purifier™ Cell Logic™+ Biosafety Cabinets with Scope-Ready™ package.